Jean Lievins: YouTube (4:20) Positive Money – 3 Changes to Banking Fix the Economy, Eliminate Debt

Jan 16, 2014 If someone told you that a mountain of personal debt could be cleared via 3 simple changes to the way that money and banking works, would you like to know how? Would you like to see a more stable economy, with more jobs, less personal and government debt? Would you like to …

Sarah Harrison, Jacob Appelbaum & Julian Assange — YouTube Call to Resistance, SysAdmins Unite

Sysadmins of the world, unite! a call to resistance Finally, the world is aware of the threat of mass surveillance and control, but we still have a fight on our hands, and that fight is both technical and political. Global democracy is not going to protect itself. There has never been a higher demand for …

John Maguire: YouTube (5:19) What Is The Integral Movement?

Phi Beta Iota: Another phenomenal personal effort by John Maguire. Inspiration in our darkest hour of betrayal. People with integral consciousness can nueralize traitors and criminals destroying the Commonwealth, BUT that universal consciousness must emerge first. Start now — watch this video (5 minutes, 19 seconds).