Marcus Aurelius: WaPo (Carter/Barno) on Military Isolation

Invite your attention to following generally overstated (IMHO) article and my accompanying comments in yellow-highlighted red.  Happy Veterans’ Day How the military isolates itself — and hurts veterans By Phillip Carter and David Barno, Published: November 8 Phillip Carter and retired Lt. Gen. David Barno are veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan, respectively, and senior fellows at …

Marcus Aurelius: Five Takeaways from a Decade of War [Defense One] Plus Blistering Alternative View from Phi Beta Iota Editors

Five Takeaways from a Decade of War Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, in a keynote address at the Center for Strategic and International Studies this week, signaled to military commanders that they should assume the across-the-board, automatic spending cuts imposed by sequester over the next decade will remain in place indefinitely. “We do not have …

Richard Stallman: Free Software Supporter – Issue 67, October 2013

Free Software Supporter Issue 67, October 2013 Welcome to the Free Software Supporter, the Free Software Foundation’s monthly news digest and action update — being read by you and 71,727 other activists. That’s 1,011 more than last month! View this issue online here: Encourage your friends to subscribe and help us build an audience …

Review: Routledge Companion to Intelligence Studies

PRINTABLE DOC (3 Pages): Review Routledge Companion to Intelligence Studies Robert Dover (Editor), Michael S. Goodman (Editor), Claudia Hillebrand (Editor) 5.0 out of 5 stars The best collection in English — bold, innovative, essential, October 31, 2013 Routledge’s managing editor for this collection, and the contributing editors themselves, one of whom I know personally, have …

Review: Theodore and Woodrow – How Two American Presidents Destroyed Constitutional Freedom

Andrew P. Napolitano 7 Stars — Documents Presidential Perfidy – Life Transformative for This Reason I broke with the Republican Party over Iran-Contra and belatedly, the one trillion a year that Reagan started shamelessly borrowing to fund the dual welfare system — a dysfunctional military-espionage-industrial complex for the right, and a dysfunctional regulatory myopic and …