Chuck Spinney: For the Record – Government Complicit, Banks Walk Away from Mortgage Crimes with 1% Settlement

The Top Twelve Reasons Why You Should Hate the Mortgage Settlement Yves Smith, Naked Capitalism, 9 Feb 2012 As readers may know by now, 49 of 50 states have agreed to join the so-called mortgage settlement, with Oklahoma the lone refusenik. Although the fine points are still being hammered out, various news outlets (New York …

NIGHTWATCH: Syria, Russia, US, Iran, Israel, Lies, & Truth + RECAP

Syria: Special comment. Readers are rightly perplexed about conditions in Syria. Syrian press restrictions inhibit any neutral or balanced coverage. Everything reported from opposition sources and activists is biased and some reports of massacres include manufactured images, according to eyewitnesses. International news descriptions of a worsening crisis receive no offsetting coverage of testimony from non-Sunni …

Chuck Spinney: Is Global Warming Religion or Science?

From a perspective of elementary epistemology, the difference between practice of religion and practice of science is really quite simple:  in  religion, one changes one’s observations about reality to fit one’s conception or model of reality ; in science, one changes one’s model of reality to fit one’s observations about reality.  At the heart of …