Chuck Spinney: Federal Reserve Screwing the Public — Again…

My good good buddy Dr. Newk Mindshaftgap has written a juicy little report, attached below, in which he politely exposes the emptiness of the fact-free fiscal debate that is now electrifying the synapses of the pols, pundits, and courtiers in Versailles on the Potomac.  To be sure, our nation has a debt problem, but, as …

Chuck Spinney: Reality Reporting from Syria — USG Has No Idea….

Below is an excellent sitrep on the Syrian civil war.  The author, Patrick Cockburn, is one of the very best observers of the Middle East. Chuck Spinney DECEMBER 17, 2012 What is Really Happening in Syria Descent Into Holy War by PATRICK COCKBURN, Counterpunch EXTRACT: Syria today resembles Iraq nine years ago in another disturbing …

Chuck Spinney: Pentagon Escaping Fiscal Cuts — To No Good End

TIME BATTLE BLOG: MILITARY SPENDING Business As Usual Inside Obama’s Pentagon By Chuck Spinney,, Dec. 06, 2012 Winslow Wheeler’s three-part series on the Navy that wrapped up on Battleland Wednesday shows that the sea service is up to its old tricks. To wit, it is impregnating President Obama’s five-year defense program by front-loading today’s …

Chuck Spinney: End Time of Tribulation for Israel, the Fake State

With the exception of the problematic reference Iron Dome missile defense system (notwithstanding all the hype, school is still out on its performance, IMO), the attached opinion piece is an excellent summary of the grand strategic ramifications of the recent dustup in Gaza. CS Why Israel Didn’t Win Adam Shatz, London Review of Books, Vol. …

Chuck Spinney: Palestinians Win Gaza Scuffle – Time On Their Side

As we proved in Vietnam, and are about to prove again in Afghanistan, you can win most battles in a tactical sense but still lose a war at the far more decisive strategic and grand-strategic levels of conflict.  (Grand strategy is explained here.)  Israel’s grand strategy is to establish a Greater Israeli Apartheid State (by annexing …