Journal: Analysis of STUXNET, Iran, and US Vulnerability

David Albright, Paul Brannan, and Christina Walrond 22 December 2010, Preliminary Assessment Did Stuxnet Take Out 1,000 Centrifuges at the Natanz Enrichment Plant? 10 pages Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS) Phi Beta Iota: US Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) computer systems are still on the Internet and still very vulnerable to internal …

Journal: US Public Health InfoTech NOT….

Public Health Information Technology: Additional Strategic Planning Needed to Guide HHS’s Efforts to Establish Electronic Situational Awareness Capabilities GAO-11-99 December 17, 2010 A catastrophic public health event could threaten our national security and cause hundreds of thousands of casualties. Recognizing the need for efficient sharing of real-time information to help prevent devastating consequences of public …

Journal: CSIS on IAEA and NATO Intelligence

Shining a Brighter Light on Dark Places: Improving the IAEA’s Use of Intelligence through Cooperation with NATO By Michael Hertzberg Center for Strategic & International Studies Dec 21, 2010 One possible improvement to the IAEA’s monitoring and verification regime would be enhancing the IAEA’s use of intelligence by formalizing cooperation with a multilateral security organization …

Journal: Denial of Service Attacks on Humanitarian Sites

DDoS Attacks Continue to Plague Human Rights Sites By: Chloe Albanesius PC Magazine, 12.22.2010 WikiLeaks and Operation Payback have put distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks in the news recently, but independent media and human rights Web sites have been battling these attacks on a consistent basis with no easy solution in sight, according to …

Reference: American War and Military Casualty Lists & Statistics

Phi Beta Iota: The below reference is of human interest, but lacks context.  Three major follow-on studies are needed, if someone can find a Member of Congress willing to ask for them: 1.  Actual number of amputations including number of limbs per person amputated. 2.  Suicides both while in service and post separation or retirement. …

Reference: Self-Inflicted Wounds–Understanding Islamic Factions

Very important CTC study on internal frictions within the Salafi movement Very important CTC study with a number of high profile and experienced contributors. It should be read by anyone dealing with Islamist movements.  The study is a landmark endeavor–a model to be followed–and hopefully will generate additional studies. Phi Beta Iota: The US Military …