Journal: US Intelligence Wasting Billions of Dollars

U.S. intelligence agencies ‘wasted’ billions:  Senator faults mismanagement By Shaun Waterman The Washington Times 8:07 p.m., Tuesday, October 12, 2010 U.S. intelligence agencies have wasted many billions of dollars by mismanaging secret, high-technology programs, the deputy chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence says. “The American public would be outraged if they knew,” Sen. …

Search: cocreation

In the narrow business sense, co-creation is something done with other businesses or with customers or other stakeholders.  This happens in the context of what is now called a business eco-system or business ecology. This is a very important concept, more usually referred to as co-evolution, and more recently, as co-intelligence.  A good example of …

Journal: 2005 Seminal Work Ignored to This Day…

Authors: By Members of the 2005 “Rising Above the Gathering Storm” Committee; Prepared for the Presidents of the National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, and Institute of Medicine Authoring Organizations Description: In the face of so many daunting near-term challenges, U.S. government and industry are letting the crucial strategic issues of U.S. competitiveness …

Journal: Terminator to Feds–“Can You Spell Nullify?”

Marijuana in California: Prop. 19 won’t stop federal drug enforcement Even if voters pass Proposition 19 on Nov. 2, which would legalize use of marijuana in California, the Justice Department will continue to enforce federal drug laws there, Attorney General Eric Holder said Friday. Read full story…. Phi Beta Iota:  States have the right to …

Journal: Spiritual Environmentalism aka Getting a Grip

Wangari Maathai 2004 Noble Peace Prize Laureate. Founder, Green Belt Movement Posted: October 15, 2010 08:01 AM Spiritual Environmentalism: Healing Ourselves by Replenishing the Earth EXTRACT:  Through my experiences and observations, I have come to believe that the physical destruction of the earth extends to us, too. If we live in an environment that’s wounded …