2014 Intelligence Reform (All Others)

SHORT URL: http://tinyurl.com/2014-Intel-Reform Under Construction – Send Nominations to robert.david.steele.vivas@gmail.com Updated 23 Jan 2014 14:58 E Phi Beta Iota: The current literature on intelligence reform is underdeveloped and under-specified.  An example of this under- or mis-specification can be seen in the treatment of 9/11. The dominant position that 9/11 was an intelligence failure is correct …

Tom Atlee: TPP & Fast Track Toxic to Democracy — Call for Action

Act now re TPP and Fast Track (toxic to democracy) This month the US Congress could pass legislation that would make sure that complex trade agreements favored by multinational corporations – like the TransPacific Partnership (TPP) – would be pushed through Congress with little debate and little information provided to the public. This so-called “fast-track” …

Neal Rauhauser: Political Populism Emergent – First Occupy Solidarity Network Now Assange and Hacktivists

First Occupy Solidarity Network, Now Assange First we saw Micah White split from Adbusters and announce the creation of the Occupy Solidarity Network, an explicitly political creature with its root in Occupy Wall Street. Now two weeks later Democracy brings us WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange Calls on Computer Hackers to Unite Against NSA Surveillance (starting at 31:00 …

Julian Assange at Chaos Computing Conference — Calls on “Hacker Class” to Unite

WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange Calls on Computer Hackers to Unite Against NSA Surveillance WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange addressed a major gathering of computer experts Monday at the Chaos Communication Congress in Hamburg, Germany, calling on them to join forces in resisting government intrusions on Internet freedom and privacy. We play highlights from Assange’s speech, as well …

Jean Lievens: Insurgent Anarchism – An Idea Whose Time Has Come

Insurgent Anarchism: an idea whose time has come (Part I) Nozomi Hayase ROAR Magazine, 16 September 2013 In the fall of 2011, as the autumn leaves were turning color, America’s largest metropolitan city was about to grab the world’s attention. On September 17, the first occupiers descended onto lower Manhattan and marched on the stock …