Neal Rauhauser: Political Populism Emergent – First Occupy Solidarity Network Now Assange and Hacktivists

First Occupy Solidarity Network, Now Assange First we saw Micah White split from Adbusters and announce the creation of the Occupy Solidarity Network, an explicitly political creature with its root in Occupy Wall Street. Now two weeks later Democracy brings us WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange Calls on Computer Hackers to Unite Against NSA Surveillance (starting at 31:00 …

Julian Assange at Chaos Computing Conference — Calls on “Hacker Class” to Unite

WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange Calls on Computer Hackers to Unite Against NSA Surveillance WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange addressed a major gathering of computer experts Monday at the Chaos Communication Congress in Hamburg, Germany, calling on them to join forces in resisting government intrusions on Internet freedom and privacy. We play highlights from Assange’s speech, as well …

Marcus Aurelius: Snowden Says “Mission Accomplished”

IMHO, Snowden needs to experience being the object of an “extraordinary rendition” and then be warehoused incommunicado at either GTMO or one of the Supermax facilities.  Too bad that appears tactically infeasible at the moment. Edward Snowden, after months of NSA revelations, says his mission’s accomplished By Barton Gellman Washington Post, December 23, 2013 Phi Beta …

Jean Lievens: The War on Knowledge — The Year Hacktivists and the Government Went to War

The Year Hacktivists And The Government Went To War Gerry Smith Huffington Post, 20 December 2013 Peter Ludlow, a philosophy professor at Northwestern University, wrote in The Nation that the prosecution of hacktivists was part of “a war on knowledge” that extends beyond hackers to include Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning, who exposed government secrets. …