2005: Intelligence Reform – More Needs to Be Done

Commentary & Reply From Parameters,  Summer 2005, pp. 135-40. Intelligence Reform: More Needs to Be Done To the Editor: There are no simple answers when it comes to intelligence reform. The debate on this issue has suffered from decades of policy manipulation, congressional neglect, media ignorance, public inattention, and professional laziness. Senator Saxby Chambliss’s Parameters …

Who’s Who in Peace Intelligence: Douglas Johnston

Dr. Douglas Johnston is the President and founder of the International center for Religion and Diplomacy (ICRD).  The Center’s mission is to address identity-based conflicts that exceed the reach of traditional diplomacy by incorporating religion as part of the solution. In 2004 he was recognized with the Golden Candle Award of the Open Source Solutions …

2004 Stephen E. Arnold (US) New Opportunities: Update on New Technology

PLATINUM LIFETIME AWARD, Mr. Stephen E. Arnold For his constant demonstration of the utility of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) in the understanding of social networks, emerging technologies, and cultural realities.  As a world-renowned authority on information and communications, with a deep understanding of the public policy value of open source information, he has made himself …

2004 Bjore (SE) Software, Humanware and Intelligence: Distributed Data Capture Templates and Analytic Tools

PLATINUM LIFETIME AWARD, Mr. Mats Bjore, Sweden There is no other person who has created a national open source intelligence capability, with recognition from the Royal War Academy for doing so; then gone on to rationalize McKinsey knowledge management in the Nordic region, then created the foremost international commercial intelligence practice in InfoSphere AB, and …