Owl: Chem-Trails Chickens Coming Home to Roost: Direct Proof of Covert Weather Engineering?

Chem-Trails Chickens Coming Home to Roost: Direct Proof of Covert Weather Engineering? In various areas of the US, recent snow that has come down is not snow. This material does not melt. The videos below, which clearly show this, demonstrate what’s coming down from the sky, though it looks like snow, is not snow, yet …

Owl: Canada and US Treat Anti-Frackers as Terrorists

End-Game: Criminalizing ALL Protest Another depressing story of government-corporate corrupt cooperation, especially involving intelligence and law enforcement agencies. An image of fascism in motion. This section of the article refers to Canadian activities of said agencies:

Event: Free 18 Feb 14 Webinar “Transforming Libraries: KM and Knowledge Services: Consensus or Simply Shared Principles?” with Guy St. Clair

Soutron Global is pleased to invite you to an exclusive free webinar with our guest speaker Guy St. Clair, President and Consulting Specialist for Knowledge Services at SMR International in New York, NY. Guy’s subject for the webinar is: Transforming Libraries: KM and Knowledge Services: Consensus or Simply Shared Principles? Date: Tuesday, February 18th, 2014 …

Owl: Ralph Nader on Internet Wrongful Secrecy, Snares and Delusions

Expect to Get “Mice Print” or Little or Nothing When Looking for Public Information Ralph Nader debunks a major myth about the Internet: the assumption that government and important public information is accessible or easily so. As he shows, in many cases, not so at all: “Information technology (IT), now the supplier of millions of …