Journal: Intelligence & Innovation Support to Strategy, Planning, Programming, Budgeting, & Acquisition

Chuck Spinney is still the best “real” engineer in this town–almost everyone else is staggering after fifty years of government-specification cost-plus engineering.  Also, as Chuck explores in the piece on Complexity to Avoid Accountability is Expensive we in the “requirements” business are as much to blame–Service connivance with complexity has killed acquisition from both a …

Journal: Haiti Update 20 January 2010 AM

Haitians flee in fear as big aftershock hits PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti – The most powerful aftershock yet struck Haiti on Wednesday, shaking more rubble from damaged buildings and sending screaming people running into the streets eight days after the country’s capital was devastated by an apocalyptic quake. The extent of additional damage or injuries caused by …

Worth a Look: Popular Science Better than WIRED

Popular Science Wipes the Floor with WIRED Magazine Latest issue highlights: Internet in the Ether (airwaves abandned by TV could beam high-speed Internet everywhere) Out of Thin Air (a little oxygen is all a zinc-air battery needs to become a powerhouse RENOVATING AMERICA (specifics across transportation, water, power, telecom, and sewage. Phi Beta Iota: Our …

Journal: Intelligence Priority Theater, Weak Strategy

China Removed As Top Priority For Spies The decision downgrades China from “Priority 1” status, alongside Iran and North Korea, to “Priority 2,” which covers specific events such as the humanitarian crisis after the Haitian earthquake or tensions between India and Pakistan. One new area that has been given a higher intelligence priority under the …