Owl: Saudi Instability, Pedophilia Taking Hillary Down, Warren as Manchurian Candidate, a Muslim Europe?

A few days ago, in a post mentioned here, John Robb predicted ISIS would invade and take Saudi Arabia in Spring, at the earliest. With King Abdullah dead, http://www.cnn.com/2015/01/22/middleeast/saudi-arabia-king-abdullah-dies/, Robb has changed his forecast and states ISIS will likely take a southern pivot, moving troops from Iraq and Syria, going south after Mecca and Medina, …

Owl: Saudis Killing Fracking – No Floor Price in Sight for Oil

End of Fracking Revolution May Be Very Near The recent drop in oil prices is not likely temporary, as indicated in this article. That’s because the real target of OPEC is widespread fracking operations in North America and elsewhere, which OPEC appears to regard as enough of a threat to the oil industry to require …