Nader Ale Ebrahim: Open Access Repositories Start to Offer Peer Review Services

Open access repositories start to offer overlay peer review services Converting open access repositories into functional evaluation platforms  Bringing back quality control to the scientific community The use of journal hierarchy for assessing the reputation of research works and their authors, has contributed to a competitive environment that is having a detrimental effect on scientific reliability. …

Stephen E. Arnold: Google Slammed by Dutch for Fake Reviews (Fake Humans and Fake Automated Review-Writing Programs)

Google: The Dutch Do Not Think Much of Fake Reviews I read “Google Ordered to Hand Over Names of Fake Reviewers in Dutch Court Case.” Let’s assume that the story is accurate. For me, the notion of Google providing the names of individuals who created “fake” reviews is interesting. For the affected small business, the …

Mongoose: Preview of Google’s Plan to Control Hate Speech

We are not making this up. Kiddle: Google-powered safe search engine for children Kiddle combines Google’s Safe Search filter with editorially controlled keyword and site blacklists. Basically, it prevents you from running searches for specific words or phrases, and blocks certain sites from appearing in the results at all.

Review: Hacker Hoaxer Whistleblower Spy – The Many Faces of Anonymous

Gabriella Coleman 4.0 out of 5 starsThe Immune System of Democracy By David Wineberg TOP 500 REVIEWER on November 4, 2014 Anonymous is almost certainly not what you think it is. You have to live it to understand it, its implications, its functioning, and its place in society. Gabrielle Coleman lived it, as a fully …