Chris Hedges: Karl Marx Was Right

Karl Marx Was Right On Saturday at the Left Forum in New York City, Chris Hedges joined professors Richard Wolff and Gail Dines to discuss why Karl Marx is essential at a time when global capitalism is collapsing. These are the remarks Hedges made to open the discussion.

Worth a Look: Network Society and Future Scenarios for a Collaborative Economy

The aim of this book is not to provide yet another critique of capitalism but rather to contribute to the ongoing dialogue for post-capitalist construction, and to discuss how another world could be possible. It builds on the idea that peer-to-peer infrastructures are gradually becoming the general conditions of work, economy, and society, considering peer …

Jean Lievens: Rights to Water and Land — the Next Global Revolution?

Rights to Water and Land, a Common Struggle The declaration on the rights to Water and Land, a Common Struggle, was originally presented at the World Social Forum in Tunis. To date, more than 200 million hectares of land have been grabbed globally by private firms, governments, elites and speculators, often with the support of …

Kosmos: Double Enclosure — the shut down of democratic accountability, participation and transparency

‘Double Enclosure’- the shut down of democratic accountability, participation and transparency What’s going on is a double-enclosure: a massive privatization and commodification of the physical world – the atmosphere, land, forests, genes, life forms, and more – and a massive privatization and commodification of economic decision making and democracy themselves.