Marcus Aurelius: Can Military Learn From Its Mistakes?

1.  Ricks fails to understand that military strategy and policy do not exist in a vacuum.  The White House and Congress both have votes that can be decisive.  Shinseki and Franks were closer to right w/r/t force requirements for Iraq than was Rumsfeld.  Further, Jerry Bremer unbelievably complicated Iraq by de-Baathification and dissolutionn of the …

Rickard Falkvinge: Mass Surveillance Fallout — Europe Investigating NSA

Privacy:  This week, the European Parliament voted to immediately suspend the sharing of European financial tracking data with the United States in a 280-254 decision, as well as calling for criminal investigations of the NSA. This follows in the footsteps of mass surveillance revelations that the NSA has illegally hacked into the SWIFT financial data. …

Chuck Spinney: Is Israel an Apartheid State?

Attached is a thoughtful essay in which Israeli war hero (1948), ex-Knesset member, and peace activist Uri Avnery examines the likenesses and differences between Israel and Apartheid South Africa. Chuck Spinney ————————————————– WEEKEND EDITION OCTOBER 25-27, 2013 South African Apartheid was Brought Down by the Blacks Themselves Is Israel an Apartheid State? by URI AVNERY, …

Chuck Spinney: The Lofgren Corollary: The Method Behind the Madness of the Shutdown

It is easy to look at the shutdown and the concomitant chaos in federal government as the product of incompetence and corruption.  But it was a deliberate effort by a vocal congressional minority from safe, cynically gerrymandered, congressional districts to sabotage the functioning of the entire federal government. One would think that a deliberate effort …