Journal: Eradicating Poverty One Micro-Job at a Time

Working for change: Samasource redefines international aid December 10, 2010 On Need to Know, we do a lot of reporting about the world’s problems. But we’re premiering a new series about people coming up with creative solutions — it’s called “Agents of Change.” Click on title to read short intro and option to view video…. …

Eight Ball: Jon Lebkowsky’s 2010 Stories & Trends

Who says the web is dead? Drupal and WordPress The Internet matures Social media, ugh. Facebook, The Social Network, my newfound respect for Zuckerberg. It’s the stupid economy Obama under attack Rethinking journalism Wikileaks raises questions about transparency. Read paragraph on each at source….

2011 OSINT Discovery Toolkit–Reuser’s Repertorium

This is THE toolbox, available in both long and short versions, we recommend you start with the long and then rapidly migrate to the short.  Arno is THE “dean” of OSINT for government, and the “dean” of the advanced librarian discovery movement. LONG VERSION SHORT VERSION We strongly endorse Arno Reuser as an individual, and …

Journal: Analysis of STUXNET, Iran, and US Vulnerability

David Albright, Paul Brannan, and Christina Walrond 22 December 2010, Preliminary Assessment Did Stuxnet Take Out 1,000 Centrifuges at the Natanz Enrichment Plant? 10 pages Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS) Phi Beta Iota: US Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) computer systems are still on the Internet and still very vulnerable to internal …

Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Starting Point

2006: BASIC: Open Source Intelligence Familiarization Documents (Original) Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) leads to Information Operations (IO), which leads to Multinational, Multiagency, Multidisciplinary, Multidomain Information-Sharing and Sense-Making (M4IS2), which leads to Cyber-Command (CYCO6), a mis-nomer, but representing all information in all languages all the time, with every person and every artifact having their own IP …