Review: Hard Measures – How Aggressive CIA Actions After 9/11 Saved American Lives

Jose Rodriguez and Bill Harlow 3.0 out of 5 stars 5 as Personal Memoir, 1 for Nonsense About “Hard Measures”, May 3, 2012 As a memoir of time in the CIA bureaucracy and occasional righteous deeds in the field, the book is a must read along with a handful of others by former case offices …

Review (Guest): TRAITOR: The Whistleblower and the “American Taliban”

Jesselyn Radack 5.0 out of 5 stars Extremely Important,February 8, 2012 David C N Swanson (Charlottesville VA United States) – See all my reviews (REAL NAME) It began with that monstrous young man so evil we needed to blindfold him and strap him to a board, that confusing young man who looked like Christ but …

Patrick Meier: Filtering Tweets Real-Time for Crisis Response

Twitcident: Filtering Tweets in Real-Time for Crisis Response by Patrick Meier The most recent newcomer to the “tweetsourcing” space comes to us from Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. Twitcident is a web-based filtering system that extracts crisis information from Twitter in real-time to support emergency response efforts. Dutch emergency services have been testing the …