Search: M4IS2 [as of 20121013]

M4IS2 Definitions: M4IS2 (Multinational, Multiagency, Multidisciplinary, Multidomain Information-Sharing & Sense-Making Graphic: Core Force for Multinational and Whole of Government Operations In “borderless” cyberspace, nation states struggle — M4IS2 Anyone? Multi-National Decision-Support Centres at P2P Foundation Reference: World Brain Institute & Global Game Robert Steele: Data Is the New Oil BUT No One Is Serious About …

Review: Managing Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno Innovations: Converging Technologies in Society

William Sims Bainbridge (Editor) and Mihail C. Roco 5.0 out of 5 stars Ahead of Its Time, Still a Major Contribution, Needs a Second Volume, October 13, 2012 This is a truly extraordinary book, one I stumbled across as I was browsing the web for “the right stuff.” Whereas most authors and endeavors persist in …

Steven Aftergood: DSB Concludes Violent Behavior Cannot be Reliably Predicted – Does Not Address Larger Issue of Extreme Cognitive Dissonance Inspiring Suicides and Random Violence

VIOLENT BEHAVIOR CANNOT BE RELIABLY PREDICTED, PANEL SAYS The outbreak of violence by individuals who seek to harm other persons or institutions cannot be reliably predicted today, the Defense Science Board said in a new report to the Secretary of Defense.  Instead, efforts to counter violence should focus on prevention and mitigation of the threat. …

Richard Stallman: Free Software Issue 54 September 2012

Free Software Supporter Issue 54, September 2012 Welcome to the Free Software Supporter, the Free Software Foundation’s monthly news digest and action update — being read by you and 61,769 other activists. That’s 1,189 more than last month! Encourage your friends to subscribe and help us build an audience by adding our subscriber widget to …

Reflections on Inspectors General

Short URL: Executive Reading (Printable 10-Pages): 2013 Steele Reflections on Inspectors-General 1.7 Updated 6 October 2012 Version 1.7 When I was selected for an interview to be the Defense Intelligence Senior Leader (DISL) for Human Intelligence (HUMINT) at the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), it was General Ron Burgess, USA  and Ms. Tish Long that …

Mini-Me: Secret World Has a New Story Line — Sharing TOO MUCH (We Do Not Make This Stuff Up….)

Huh? Intell community’s new problem: Sharing too much data Rutrell Yasin GCN Sep 19, 2012 After a Nigerian man attempted to detonate plastic explosives hidden in his underwear while aboard a Northwest Airlines flight from Amsterdam to Detroit on Dec. 25, 2009, critics and the media accused intelligence agencies of still being in silos and …

Chuck Spinney: America, the Muslims, and a Video That Went from Zero to Mach 2 – Origin of the Video Known, Who Took It Into Arabia and Africa Not Known

Below is an outstanding essay on an unfolding issue of great importance. Chuck Spinney WEEKEND EDITION SEPTEMBER 14-16, 2012 The Reality Behind the “Free Speech” Argument America and the Muslims by ESAM AL-AMIN, Counterpunch Thousands of angry Muslims demonstrated in front of American embassies and consulates in Egypt and Libya because of a newly released …