Chuck Spinney: Is Climate Science Like the Military – Industrial – Congressional Complex (III)?

As I have indicated in earlier blasters, I find the parallels between the political forces corrupting defense “science” and climate “science” to be stunning (e.g., directly here or more subtly here). Attached is a very thoughtful piece by the distinguished Australian scientist Garth Paltridge.  His subject is the psychological state of play in the politicization of climate science, …

NIGHTWATCH: 6 Latin American Countries Reject Rio Pact

Organization of American States (OAS): For the record. At the end of the 42d General Assembly of OAS members in Bolivia, the foreign ministers of Bolivia, Ecuador, Venezuela and Nicaragua announced that their countries had decided to withdraw from the Inter-American of Reciprocal Assistance, better known as the Rio Pact. In making the announcement, Ecuadorian …

Robert Steele: Clandestine Operations 101 + Personal Comment

Clandestine Operations 101 Here’s how to create a clandestine service that is not the laughing stock of the planet: 00  Stop confusing secure field operations with any need for access to official secrets.  The primary reason CIA is such a mess is the ascendance of security ignorance and myopia combined with sedentary overly fearful managers …

Chuck Spinney: Why Doesn’t Spain Understand that Integrity is Priceless?

One of core component’s of the neoliberal agenda is privatization of state assets.  Attached is one countries reaction to the inequalities and economic distortions privatization introduces. CS Afloat in the Mediterranean Piracy as good policy by Serge Halimi Le Monde Diplomatique, 1 May, 2012 The head of state, confident after electoral victory, tells the governor …

Amitai Etzioni: USG Suffering Multiple Realism Deficiency Disorder (MRDD)

The World America Didn’t Make Amitai Etzioni The National Interest, March 21, 2012 Robert Kagan’s book, The World America Made, is refocusing the debate on whether the United States is declining as a global power—and speculation about whether other powers will step in to assume the responsibility for sustaining a liberal, rule-based international order. Kagan …