Stephen E. Arnold: Google Is Yesterday: Apps, Not Search, the Future – Comment by Robert Steele

Google Is Yesterday: Apps, Not Search, the Future I read “Google Searches for role in App Age.” This is a for fee item, so you will need to pony up money or buy a copy of the dead tree edition of the March 10, 2014, Wall Street Journal. If you have a WSJ account, here’s …

Ted Shulman: The Future of Internet Alternatives

The Future of Internet Alternatives Derrick Broze, 28 February 2014 In the wake of leaked documents detailing extensive, indiscriminate monitoring of the internet a number of solutions have appeared. These new alternatives to the traditional world wide web could completely alter the way we access information. But can they stop a nosy government? Is …

Mini-Me: Israeli Cover Company Zim Shipping Knew Six Months in Advance 9/11 Was Coming…Here Is the Proof.

Huh? Zim Shipping: New Evidence suggests Six Months Foreknowledge of the September 11th Attack Keith Maart Veterans Today, 21 February 2014 Zim American-Israeli Shipping (“Zim”) was the predecessor company of the present Zim Integrated Shipping Services and was 49 percent owned by the Israeli government on 9/11. In 2004, the Israeli government sold their interest to …

Stephen E. Arnold: Hewlett Packard (HP) Implodes — Stupid Over Autonomy, Corrupt at Root — the Same HP That Killed Alta Vista

Frequentists Versus Bayesians: Is HP Amused? I read a long report and then a handful of spin off reports about HP and Autonomy, mid February 2014 version. The Financial Times’s story is a for fee job. You can get a feel for the information in “HP Executives Knew of Autonomy’s Hardware Sales Losses: Report.” There …

Berto Jongman: Industrial Toxins — and Wireless — Frying the Human Brain

Two stories, same victim — humans. Six Neurotoxic Industrial Chemicals Linked to Rise In Brain Disorders “…children worldwide are being exposed to unrecognised toxic chemicals that are silently eroding intelligence, disrupting behaviours, truncating future achievements, and damaging societies…” Read full article. INVISIBLE THREAT: Wireless Radiation Linked to Cancer and other Illness The longtime president of …