Berto Jongman: Trump & The Truth — Comment by Robert Steele

Trump and the Truth: A President Tests His Own Credibility Since Mr. Trump became a presidential candidate, PolitiFact has evaluated more than 500 assertions and found 69 percent of them mostly false, false or “pants on fire” false. By comparison, it judged 26 percent of the statements by Mr. Obama that it evaluated as false …

Gareth Porter: NK Has Agreed to Denuclearization — US Media Refuses to Acknowledge Trump’s Brilliant Success

South Korean Report on Summit Discredits U.S. Elites’ Assumption … the full report by South Korean president Moon Jae-in’s national security adviser on the meeting with Kim last week—covered by South Korea’s Yonhap news agency but not covered in U.S. news media—makes it clear that Kim will present Trump with a plan for complete denuclearization …