Stephen E. Arnold: Amazon Policeware Outpacing Oracle, Microsoft

Amazon: Policeware Capability Microsoft May Not Be Able to Duplicate New partners, new data, and new outputs — Amazon is moving forward, and I am not sure Microsoft as well as fellow travelers like Google and Oracle can match Amazon’s forced march in its effort to reword the intelligence and law enforcement intelligence ecosystem. Read …

Stephen E. Arnold: Facebook Blocks Facebook Posts About Facebook’s Massive Security Breach — We Are Shocked (#GoogleGestapo)

Facebook: Interesting Real News Filtering We read “Facebook Users Unable to Post Story about Huge Facebook Hack on Facebook.” A real news outfit in London noticed that stories about Facebook’s most recent security lapse were not appearing on Facebook. Another real news outfit reported that some Facebook users saw this message: “Action Blocked: Our security …

Penguin: Open Source Starting Point for Post #GoogleGestapo Internet? (Designed by Tim Berners-Lee) UPDATE 1 Stephen E. Arnold Comments

Exclusive: Tim Berners-Lee tells us his radical new plan to upend the World Wide Web With an ambitious decentralized platform, the father of the web hopes it’s game on for corporate tech giants like Facebook and Google. For years now, Berners-Lee and other internet activists have been dreaming of a digital utopia where individuals control …

Stephen E. Arnold: Excitement at Oracle — Amazon Effect

After reportedly butting heads with Larry Ellison, Oracle’s top cloud executive is leaving the company Kurian’s departure comes just weeks after Oracle announced he was taking a break from his position overseeing Oracle’s cloud efforts, and after Bloomberg reported that a conflict with Oracle co-founder, executive chairman, chief technology officer, and person whose opinion seems …

Stephen E. Arnold: Amazon Ramps Up Police State Big Data Offering

Amazon: Accommodating Big Chunks of Data Our research into Amazon’s capabilities caused us to note the information in “Amazon Rolls Out High Memory Instances for In-Memory Databases.” Many companies want to munch on Big Data. I would point out that certain US government organization have a healthy appetite for the capability as well. I noted …

Stephen E. Arnold: Google Copyright Abusive Algrorithm — More #GoogleGestapo Madness

Google: Stomping Out Bad Music Types Google has a lot of content to lord over. And with that responsibility comes the need to police that content when it is misused. Perhaps nowhere does this happen more often than YouTube. While they have clever tools for finding rule breakers, sometimes it fails. We learned more from …