Review: Global Trends 2030: Alternative Worlds – American Intelligence Agency Report on the Megatrends, Gamechangers, and Black Swans of the Future, the Rise of China, Alternative World Scenarios

CIA National Intelligence Council 3.0 out of 5 stars Report Lauds Fracking as Energy Solution, Disappoints on Multiple Fronts, December 27, 2012 Certainly worth reading, along with other and generally better reports linked below, but a huge disappointment. There is nothing here actually useful to a national or corporate leader, and generally nothing new. To …

SchwartzReport: China’s Contradictions — High Speed Rail Up, Wealthy Chinese Move to USA

World’s Longest High-speed Train Opens in China The Associated Press/Washington Post We’re spending our money in Afghanistan, making their ruling elite, and ours literally pots of money. Meanwhile the Chinese are doing what….? That’s right building high speed rail. Meanwhile our passenger trains, when you can find one, average a searing 59 miles an hour …

NIGHTWATCH: Chinese Claim to East China Sea Based on Continental Shelf

China: China has submitted to the United Nations what it calls geological evidence that it contends prove that disputed islands in the East China Sea are Chinese territory China says its continental shelf extends across to the Okinawa Trough, just off the Japanese island of Okinawa, an area that takes in island territories owned by …

NIGHTWATCH: China, India, Spratleys, Oil — and a Coming Grudge Match?

China-India; China warned India to stop oil exploration in the South China Sea after the Indian Chief of Naval Staff, Admiral Joshi, said he was prepared to send Indian naval ships there to protect its interests. India’s state oil company, ONGC, is exploring three oil blocks close to the disputed Spratly Islands – known as …

Chuck Spinny: Israel Alone, Declared a Terrorist State by Turkey, USA Fading in Region, China Rising….

Israel is all but alone in the Middle East The Financial Times, Ian Bremmer, November 20, 2012 On Monday, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan denounced Israel as a “terrorist state”. Whether you find yourself nodding or shaking your head in response, take a moment to consider those words. This judgment did not come from predictable quarters: from Syria’s …

NIGHTWATCH: Communist China Focuses on Corruption

China: Update. The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China concluded on 14 November after the Congress elected a new Central Committee and a new Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. Comment: NightWatch will report at greater length as details warrant. The two most impressive themes that emerged from the early speeches were that …

Worth a Look / Listen: When China Rules the World (Book, Audio Lecture)

Reed Business Information: A convincing economic, political and cultural analysis of waning Western dominance and the rise of China and a new paradigm of modernity. Jacques (The Politics of Thatcherism) takes the pulse of the nation poised to become, by virtue of its scale and staggering rate of growth, the biggest market in the world. …