Ellen Brown: Hillary Clinton’s Libyan Agenda — It’s the Gold, Stupid!

Exposing the Libyan Agenda: A Closer Look at Hillary’s Emails Before 2011, Libya had achieved economic independence, with its own water, its own food, its own oil, its own money, and its own state-owned bank. It had arisen under Qaddafi from one of the poorest of countries to the richest in Africa. Education and medical …

Can Bernie Sanders Break the DNC Rigging of the Super-Delegates? A Game Plan…

Sanders for President by Breaking the Super-Delegates? The Game Plan for Winning and Governing with Intelligence and Integrity Robert David Steele After Bernie won the New Hampshire primary, many progressive organizations figured out the daunting superdelegate math for Bernie, and started calling for the superdelegates to vote according to their state outcomes rather than their …

Robert Steele: Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE) – Achieving the SDG Goals in a Fraction of the Time at a Fraction of the Price

Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE) Achieving the SDG Goals in a Fraction of the Time at a Fraction of the Price Short URL: http://tinyurl.com/SDG-OSEE Salient Points: The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) are not achievable using the prevailing paradigm of donors, intermediaries, and industrial-era proprietary technologies and costs. The SDG goals can be achieved at a …

Wayne Madsen: Turkey Announced Second Overseas Military Base as Neo-Ottomans Flex Muscles

Turkey announces second overseas military base as neo-Ottomans flex muscles The neo-Ottoman government of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, a political ally and friend of Barack Hussein Obama, has announced it is building its second military base abroad. The announcement that Turkey is building a base in the failed state of Somalia comes after Turkey …

Robert Steele: Reinventing the US Army Part I – An American Grand Strategy

Steele, Robert. Reinventing the US Army Part I – An American Grand Strategy, Carlisle, PA: Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College, Press, Projected Publication 2017. Part I in the Reinventing the US Army monograph series. Updated November 15, 2016 Robert Steele This is the author’s preliminary draft of the first of three monographs focused …

Chuck Spinney: Saudi Arabian Collapse — Bad Rulers, No Water? A Case Study…

I want to flag and discuss two articles.  The first, Saudi Royal calls for regime change in Riyadh, is a report in the Guardian by Hugh Miles.  He describes the four immediate factors that have stimulated the now famous letters by the anonymous 3rd generation prince calling for the replacement of King Salman and Deputy Crown Prince …