Review (Guest): No Boundary–Eastern and Western Approaches to Personal Growth

Ken Wilber Editorial Reviews “Ken Wilber is one of the most important pioneers in the field of consciousness in this century.”—Deepak Chopra “The most sensible, comprehensive book on consciousness since William James.”—Dr. James Fadiman, President, Association for Transpersonal Psychology “No Boundary does for this generation what Alan Watts’ writings did for an earlier one. It …


Updated 1 June 2017 Below in two columns are righteous sites and professional sites of note. RIGHTEOUS SITES OF NOTE 9/11 Academic Earth Adblock Plus (add-on) A Force More Powerful Afrigadget A Human Right (Internet Access) Aid Data Akshaya Trust (feeding & housing) ALEC Exposed Alliance for Separation of School & State …

Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Mike Pheneger

Col Mike Pheneger, U.S. Army (Ret.), U.S. Special Operations Command OSS ’95:  Col Mike Pheneger, USA (Ret.), former J-2 U.S. Special Operations Command, for his paradigm-shattering unclassified exposures of our lack of tactical military maps for 90% of the world, and our enormous over-investment in duplicative and contradictory orders of battle. Colonel Pheneger spent 30 …

Climate Change, HAARP, Process, Politics, Power

“Remember than one one’s conspiracy is another man’s business plan.” “Climate change (both sides) is all about politics.” Phi Beta Iota: We are at the intersection of ideology, social conditioning, weak education, and the culmination of decades of power politics that have produced a severely retarded i.e. damaged collective psyche.  The collective intelligence movement can …