Berto Jongman: Senator Mark Warner and Entire Senate Intelligence Committee Compromised, Corrupt and Finally Exposed…

Senator Mark Warner and Entire Senate Intelligence Committee Compromised, Corrupt and Finally Exposed… Everyone on the committee has been compromised by the Chairman and Vice-Chairman participating with, and being in ideological agreement with, the Uniparty conspiracy effort to take-down President Trump. Yes, that includes Marco Rubio, James Lankford and Tom Cotton.

Berto Jongman: US Should Spend on Peacekeeping Not Warmaking

U.S. Spending on U.N. Peacekeeping More Cost-Effective Than Trump’s Blueprint It would be eight times more cost-effective for the United States to support a U.N. peacekeeping mission than it would be to send in its Armed Forces, the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) wrote in a recent report. This report follows an expected 2019 federal budget …

Sean Hannity: Memo 2.0 – Fruit of the Poisoned Tree!

The Senate releases ‘Memo 2.0,’ and it should scare you So, in addition to Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee paying $12 million for a phony, fake-news Russian propaganda dossier to influence the election, we now learn that her associates and the Obama State Department teamed up with Russian sources to funnel allegations to …

Kaliya “Identity Woman” Young: Reference Links for Internet Identity / Individual Cyber Sovereignty

Kaliya “Identity Woman” Young: EVENT 17-19 October, Mountain View, CA The Internet Identity Workshop XXV NOTE: Robert Steele will attend all three days — crypto and identity are converging to create the Autonomous Internet that will bury Amazon and Google.  Start here. Rebooting Web-of-Trust Internet Identity Workshop Wiki (Past Notes Etc.) More links below the …