Journal: Chinese Super-Computing…

China’s ‘big hole’ marks scale of supercomputing race 1,000 U.S. scientists are involved in exascale development, but China and Europe have stepped up their investment, IBM warns Computerworld – WASHINGTON — To make a point about China’s interest in supercomputing, David Turek, IBM’s vice president of deep computing, displayed a slide with a picture depicting …

Search: Integrity

We worship at the altar of integrity, for us “God” is integrity manifest in all things at all times. Hence, Hell is what we have now, with corruption rampant, true costs concealed and externalized to the public, and a potential paradise lost to the ten high-level threats to humanity: poverty, infectious disease, environmental degradation, inter-state …

Event: 6 Oct 2010 San Francisco Locations & Beyond

October 6, 2010 · San Francisco The annual Locations & Beyond Summit, previously known as Location 2.0, brings together leaders in the location and connectivity industries to discuss trends, share ideas and create a unified approach to market growth and innovations. Now in its fourth year, the Summit has an unrivaled reputation for attracting innovators …

Journal: PSYOP Dies, Renamed, Still Dead

PSYOP has long had problems being PSYOP.  Overseas they often work as “Military Information Support Teams” (MISTs).  If you want to get them significantly spun up, try to discuss with them “perception management” or “deception.”  Try that and they tend to go to ground very quickly.  As for nefarious, spooky, and master manipulators, US PSYOP has …