Rickard Falkvinge: My Addess to the European Pirates

My Address To The European Pirates Pirate Parties:  This weekend, hundreds of pirates from all over Europe gathered in the European Parliament to formally found the European Pirate Party. It was an amazing gathering of determined activists, many of which were absolutely electrified at realizing the sheer scale of this movement, seeing 400 of Europe’s …

SchwartzReport: Death of Religion in the USA

There are always unintended consequences resulting from hate. I take this as good news. Christian Right Has Major Role in Hastening Decline of Religion in America CJ WERLEMAN – AlterNet (U.S.) The fastest growing religious faith in the United States is the group collectively labeled ‘Nones,” who spurn organized religion in favor of non-defined skepticism …

Berto Jongman: WSJ on US Intelligence Collection Failure In Relation to Russia, Ukraine, and Crimea

U.S. Scurries to Shore Up Spying on Russia In Crimea, Russia May Have Gotten a Jump on West by Evading U.S. Eavesdropping EXTRACTS: U.S. military satellites spied Russian troops amassing within striking distance of Crimea last month. But intelligence analysts were surprised because they hadn’t intercepted any telltale communications where Russian leaders, military commanders or …

Review: The Direction of War – Contemporary Strategy in Historical Perspective

Hew Strachan 5.0 out of 5 stars Greatest Book Ever — But Misses the Core Point, March 14, 2014 I love this book — absolutely required reading the war colleges as well as the civil service colleges. Perhaps its greatest value is in setting the stage for professionals to refuse illegal orders and begin the …

Review: Real-Time Diplomacy – Politics and Power in the Social Media Era

Philip Seib 5.0 out of 5 stars Major Contribution Leaving a Great Deal More to Be Discussed, March 4, 2014 Diplomacy is a third-rate practice at this time, largely because the governments representated by diplomats lack intelligence with integrity and are also not held accountable for making grand mistakes with consequencies measured in trillions over …