4th Media: EXPOSED – Thai “Independent” Newspaper Funded by US Government [Good Intentions, Rotten Incoherent Conops]

EXPOSED: Indy “Newspaper” Funded by US Government Deep network uncovered as fake “indy” rag is forced to disclose funding. Note: A copy of Prachatai’s recent disclosure can be found here. Editor’s Addition: A conflict of interest occurs “when an individual or organization is involved in multiple interests, one of which could possibly corrupt the motivation for …

Berto Jongman: U.S. command in Afghanistan gives Army 60 days to fix or replace intel network [meanwhile, Palantir spends millions buying legislative intervention]

U.S. command in Afghanistan gives Army 60 days to fix or replace intel network The Pentagon’s main battlefield intelligence network in Afghanistan is vulnerable to hackers — both the enemy or a leaker — and the U.S. command in Kabul will cut it off from the military’s classified data files unless the Army fixes the …

Berto Jongman: John McAfee Vows to Make Internet “Impossible to Hack” + Internet/Human Intelligence Meta-RECAP [Bottom Line Up Front: Internet without Intelligence and Integrity is Noise]

John McAfee vows to make Internet ‘impossible to hack’ By Dan Nakaso dnakaso@mercurynews.com >Posted:   09/24/2013 05:38:37 PM PDT | Updated:   a day ago SAN JOSE — Anti-virus software pioneer John McAfee, who buried himself in the sand to hide from police in Belize, faked a heart attack in a Guatemalan detention center and …

Berto Jongman: BRICS Creating Own Internet — Routing Around the US-UK

The BRICS “Independent Internet” Cable. In Defiance of the “US-Centric Internet” The President of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff announces publicly the creation of a world internet system INDEPENDENT from US and Britain ( the “US-centric internet”). Not many understand that, while the immediate trigger for the decision (coupled with the cancellation of a summit with the …

Review: Great Games, Local Rules: The New Great Power Contest in Central Asia

Alexander Cooley 3.0 out of 5 stars Neither the Book Nor the Other Reviews are Serious, September 16, 2013 I am in Afghanistan, where I spend my time thinking about all external and internal factors bearing on 2014, and I was greatly looking forward to reading this book. It arrived, I read it, and I …

Review: The CIA and the Culture of Failure: U.S. Intelligence from the End of the Cold War to the Invasion of Iraq

John Diamond 4.0 out of 5 stars Got the Obvious Right, Misses Everything Else, September 4, 2013 I regard Retired Reader as an alter ego and top gun in the field, so his review has my vote. If the book were current (it was published in 2008) I would be tempted to buy it but …