2013 BGen James Cox, CA (Ret) On the Record on Open Source Information versus Open Source Intelligence versus Secret Intelligence

Phi Beta Iota:  BGen James Cox, CA, as Deputy N-2, was General William Clark, USA / SACEUR ‘s action flag for Open Source Intelligence (OSINT).  He arranged for Robert Steele to brief all flag officers and colonels in charge of military intelligence across all NATO and Partnership for Peace (Eastern European) countries, and he sponsored …

Reflections on Lincoln, Principle, Compromise, Autonomous Internet & Citizen Intelligence / Counter-Intelligence 2.0 with Meta-RECAP

EDIT of 21 January 2013:  I have gotten both sharp criticism from folks I revere, and complements.  I am more than willing to delete this, but I am more interested in having people think outside the lines.  I’ve made some revisions, adding issues and readings in each section.   Email me as you please, robert.david.steele.vivas [at] …

Review: Using Data Sharing to Improve Coordination in Peacebuilding: Report of a Workshop on Technology, Science, and Peacebuilding

Andrew Robertson and Steve Olson (eds.) 4.0 out of 5 stars Excellent First Step, Four Disappointments, January 2, 2013 This is one of the more useful reports to come out of the US Institute of Peace and its collaborative effort with the National Academy of Engineering and I highly recommend it for either free reading …

Review: Global Trends 2030: Alternative Worlds – American Intelligence Agency Report on the Megatrends, Gamechangers, and Black Swans of the Future, the Rise of China, Alternative World Scenarios

CIA National Intelligence Council 3.0 out of 5 stars Report Lauds Fracking as Energy Solution, Disappoints on Multiple Fronts, December 27, 2012 Certainly worth reading, along with other and generally better reports linked below, but a huge disappointment. There is nothing here actually useful to a national or corporate leader, and generally nothing new. To …

Graphic: UN 0 Big Picture View of Global Intelligence with Integrity Supporting Documents Added

Related Point Papers Doc (2):  Open Source Agency Synopsis 2012 Doc (2):  2012 Reflections on UN Intelligence 2.3 21 Dec 2012 Doc (1):  Virgin Truth 2.6 Background Articles Doc (29):  2012 Reflections on UN Intelligence 2.2 20 Dec 2012 Doc (21):  Steele The Craft of Intelligence 3.3 Miscellaneous: Slide (1):  Big Picture Doc (1):  2013 …

David Isenberg: James Howcroft on Making Intelligence Relevant in the 21st Century

Making Intelligence Relevant for the Missions of the 21st Century by James Howcroft Small Wars Journal | December 19, 2012 The international challenges which threaten the security of the United States and our partners in the 21st century are not primarily posed by conventional military forces. Despite the “pivot” toward a conventional peer competitor in …

Robert Steele: How Dutch Intelligence Survived & Prospered Using Open Source Human Intelligence as a Foundation for Ethical Evidence-Based Decisions

REACTION TO:  2012 Robert Steele: The Human Factor & The Human Environment: Concepts & Doctrine? Implications for Human & Open Source Intelligence 2.0 These are my words, reflecting what I learned in multiple funded trips to work with Dutch intelligence at various levels, and multiple conversation across various conferences I attended in Europe.  This is …