NIGHTWATCH: Everyone Has Drones Now — And Drone Counter-Measures

Israel-Drone: Update. Forty-eight hours into the investigation of an unmanned aircraft flying into Israeli airspace there is no confirmation who flew the drone. Saturday morning, Israeli radar tracked the drone flying toward the coast from the Mediterranean, then over the Gaza strip and into Israel. Twenty minutes after it crossed into southern Israel, scrambled fighter …

Search: ecological degradation

The better search term is Environmental Degradation, as this is officially the #3 high-level threat to humanity, after poverty and infectious disease.  Ecological Economics, also known as True Cost Economics, is the term used to actually understand environmental degradation in detail. Phi Beta Iota search on Environmental Degradation Google search on “Environmental Degradation” source=phibetaiota A …

Berto Jongman: Interesting Global Security Links

Anonymous Internet / UnderNet Beyond Investigators Cost of Cybercrime (PDF) Cybercrime and Terror Cyber Dissidents Handbook Declassifying CT Ops in Yemen and Somalia – No Mention of Drones Has the Drug Industry’s Grip On Health Care Become a Pharmageddon Mexican Cartels – How They Make Their Billions Obama Report on Global Deathcraft Sun’s Eruption on …

Chuck Spinney: Drones — Of Idiots, By Idiots, For Idiots + Meta-RECAP

Attached is a really first rate assessment of the real benefits and costs of the American infatuation with drone warfare.  The writer, Patrick Cockburn, is one of the very best reporters now covering the wars in the Middle East and Central Asia. Chuck Spinney Cap Ferat, France America is deluded by its drone-warfare propaganda World View: …

Sepp Hasslberger: Forget WiFi and Radio Waves, LiFi Uses Lightbulbs to Connect to the Internet

Forget WiFi and Radio Waves, LiFi Uses Lightbulbs to Connect to the Internet “One German physicist, Harald Haas, has come up with a solution he calls “data through illumination” – taking the fiber out of fiber optics by sending data through an LED lightbulb that varies in intensity faster than the human eye can follow. …

Sepp Hasslberger: New ‘terahertz’ scanner lets mobile phones see through walls

This opens up vast possibilities of consumer-accessible imaging technologies that are less damaging than x-rays. Imagine your tricorder decked out with a terahertz chip… New ‘terahertz’ scanner lets mobile phones see through walls “A hi-tech chip allows a phone to ‘see through’ walls, wood and plastics – and (although the researchers are coy about this) …

Jon Lebkowsky: Infinite spectrum vs scarcity hype

Spectrum is infinite – do not trust anyone who hypes scarcity David Isenberg explains that spectrum for various forms of wireless transmission and communication is treated as scarce, similar to real estate, because a scarcity model works for “cellcos” (cellular communication companies, former telcos) In fact, spectrum is infinite. [Link] The core of the story …