Tom Atlee: Vibrant, effective responses to disaster? YES! say two remarkable women…

Vibrant, effective responses to disaster? As powerful economic, ecological, and social imbalances work themselves out in and around our lives, we face some pretty hard times – some of us already, some of us more than others, most of us increasingly. Each of us hopes we can ameliorate the impacts on ourselves, our communities and …

Tom Atlee: Entering Interdependence on Independence Day

Entering Interdependence on Independence Day Dear friends, So many thoughts on US Independence Day…. 1.  For years there have been Declarations of INTERdependence and suggestions and organizing for INTERdependence day.  I first learned about this 8 years ago and wrote it up at  Googling it today I see the movement has flourished – and …

Chuck Spinney: Progressives Argue Over Defeating Obama – a Conversation on Email

Most of my liberal friends reluctantly support President Obama’s re-election, because the alternative is so much worse.  Invariably, they invoke the effects of a Romney presidency on judicial appointments, especially those to the Supreme Court (ironically, Obama’s two appointees just voted with the majority to decline to hear the Guantanamo case, if effect, putting another …

Chuck Spinney: Gar Alperovitz on Rise of the New Economy Movement

The Rise of the New Economy Movement By Gar Alperovitz, AlterNet, 23 May 12 s our political system sputters, a wave of innovative thinking and bold experimentation is quietly sweeping away outmoded economic models. In ‘New Economic Visions’, a special five-part AlterNet series edited by Economics Editor Lynn Parramore in partnership with political economist Gar Alperovitz …

Patrick Meier: Stages of Resistance to Innovation — From Naval Gunfire to Blind Spys

From Gunfire at Sea to Maps of War: Profound Implications for Humanitarian Innovation MIT Professor Eric von Hippel is the author of Democratizing Innovation, a book I should have read when it was first published seven years ago. The purpose of this blog post, however, is to share some thoughts on “Gunfire at Sea: A Case Study …

Tom Atlee: Emerging EcoNomics #1 – DIY “Makers” and Resilient Communities

EMERGING ECONOMICS #1 DIY “MAKERS” AND RESILIENT COMMUNITIES by Tom Atlee So we find ourselves in the midst of economic disruptions that may well foreshadow long-term, whole-system economic breakdowns fed by a full spectrum of emerging dynamics – from resource depletion (especially peak oil and loss of fresh water and topsoil) to climate change, with …

Mini-Me: Cosmic Channeler Anticipates Major Natural Disaster Near Term on West Coast

Huh? Posted on May 19, 2012 Cosmic Paradigm Alert Greeting, my name is Bren-Ton. Those of us aboard Athabantian wish to convey the following. We believe that a major geological event for your planet may occur within the next few days. It will be centered off the Northwestern coast of the United States. It is …