SchwartzReport: USA Negatives – Legalized Corporate Tax Avoidance, Not Free, Banking Culture of Dishonesty

If there was any doubt our government is structured to support the corporate oligarchy, and not the citizens of the U.S. this should dispel it. These seven corporations make billions in profit — and have tax rate of negative 2.5 percent United States is No Longer Perceived to Be ‘the land of the free’ Banking …

Jean Lievens: End of Money – No More Private Banking…

Heteconomist’s critique of Positive Money’s proposals “The real question to me is not whether private banks should be allowed to create money through the lending process, but whether – and to what extent – there should be private banking at all. Nationalized banking, at least the nationalization of big banking, should be considered, in my …

Berto Jongman: Banking Suicides Continue…along with Resignations, Arrests, and Retirements

Yet Another Trader Suicide Rocks Financial World At least nine sudden deaths within last 7 weeks Paul Joseph Watson March 13, 2014 The financial world has been rocked by the news of yet another suicide after 47-year-old Manhattan trader Edmund Reilly jumped in front of a Long Island Rail Road commuter train on Tuesday …

Jean Lievins: YouTube (4:20) Positive Money – 3 Changes to Banking Fix the Economy, Eliminate Debt

Jan 16, 2014 If someone told you that a mountain of personal debt could be cleared via 3 simple changes to the way that money and banking works, would you like to know how? Would you like to see a more stable economy, with more jobs, less personal and government debt? Would you like to …

David Swanson: Switzerland Limits CEO Pay [But Shelters Predatory Banking]

Switzerland Shows U.S. How to Handle CEOs In Switzerland a petition from 100,000 people, or about 1.25% of the population, creates a public referendum.  By this means, last March, Swiss voters created strict limits on executive pay. On November 24, the Swiss will vote on whether to take a further step — limiting executive pay …

4th Media: Banking = Legalized Crime Short Explanation

The Basel Committee and the Global Banking Mafia Valentin Katasonov 4th Media| Friday, May 10, 2013 The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (hereinafter – the Committee) is closely associated with supranational organisations like the Bank for International Settlements in Basel (BIS), which is often called the «club», the «headquarters» of central banks or the «Central …