Neal Rauhauser: Foreign Policy’s Global Conversation Infographic

Foreign Policy’s Global Conversation Infographic The images and following text were taken from The Global Conversation on Foreign Policy’s site. The site’s graph is user zoomable and the second image shows President Obama, Secretary of State Kerry, and Edward Snowden. I may have to hunt up a print copy and read the full article on …

Marcus Aurelius: Foreign Policy Think Again Piece on Drugs and Drug Routes

I don’t work in the intelligence community but, IMHO, the most important issue here is logistics.  Also IMHO, the fight among the drug cartels is a fight for control of the smuggling routes.  Further IMHO, the long-established nexus between DTOs and terrorists suggests that it would be naive to believe that terrorists or VEOs [Violent …

Robert Young Pelton: Crowd-Funding the Hunt for Jospeh Kony (Full Text – Foreign Policy October 2013)

ROBERT STEELE: I’ve known RYP for over a decade, perhaps more. I first learned of him when CIA was handing out his book, World’s Most Dangerous Places, as the best available primer for case officers going into darkness without bodyguards or armor (which is what real case officers do, don’t get me started on the …

Berto Jongman: Foreign Policy Exclusive: CIA Files Prove USA Helped Sadaam Hussein Attack Iran with Chemical Weapons

Hypocrisy? Exclusive: CIA Files Prove America Helped Saddam as He Gassed Iran The U.S. knew Hussein was launching some of the worst chemical attacks in history — and still gave him a hand. The U.S. government may be considering military action in response to chemical strikes near Damascus. But a generation ago, America’s military and …

Chuck Spinney: Syria as a Case Study in the Failure of Democracy, Economics, Foreign Policy, Governance, and Intelligence

Attached is another excellent report by Patrick Cockburn on the disorientating nature of contemporary yellow journalism in the Syrian Civil War. Of course, disorientation is not a new problem in war: Sun Tzu said, “All war is based on deception.” But the ability to manipulate data and images with high-tech computing technology and then distribute …