Mongoose: Global Open Source Intelligence Market Report

Global Open Source Intelligence Market Will Reach USD 25,900 million by 2026: Zion Market Research Zion Market Research has published a new report titled “Open Source Intelligence Market by Deployment Type (Cloud and On-premises); by Source (Public Government Data, Professional and Academic Publications, Commercial Data, Grey Literature, Media, and Internet); by Security Type (Data Analytics, …

SchwartzReport: Asia Owns the Future — Two Thirds of Global Middle Class in Asia by 2030

As this report spells out, “By 2030, Asia-Pacific countries will comprise nearly two-thirds of the global middle class, dwarfing the projected one-fifth for Europe and North America combined.” Along with climate change this is one of the great geopolitical meta-trends that will define the 21st century.  In the U.S., one has to also add The …

Berto Jongman: No Drinking Water by 2040? Need Global Energy Paradigm Shift! Privatization is NOT the Answer

‘There Will Be No Water’ by 2040? Researchers Urge Global Energy Paradigm Shift Reports: World Faces ‘Insurmountable’ Water Shortage by Nadia Prupis, staff writer Common Dreams, 30 July 2014 The world risks an “insurmountable” water crisis by 2040 without an immediate and significant overhaul of energy consumption and demand, a research team reported on Wednesday. …

Jean Lievens: After Liberalism – Complexity in the Governance of a Networked Global Society

After Liberalism – Complexity in the Governance of a Networked Global Society Hilton Root World Financial Review Below, in an excerpt from Dynamics Among Nations: The Evolution of Legitimacy and Development in Modern States, Hilton L. Root argues that the linkages between liberal internationalism and modernization theory fail to provide convincing explanations for variations in …