SmartPlanet: Why More US States Could Legalize Marijuana — and Profit From Doing So….

Why more U.S. states could legalize marijuana   By David Worthington | December 13, 2012, 8:19 PM PST Marijuana advocates scored major victories at the polls in the U.S. November election. Voters approved ballot measures in Colorado and Washington that bucked federal law to legalize the drug’s recreational use. The victories could be short lived …

John Maguire: YouTube (7:36) Cannabis Oil and the Post-Scarcity Era — Marijuana as Part of the Fiscal Solution AND Cures Cancer

A brief exploration of Hemp Oil and its implications for creating a world of Open-Source Medicine based on abundance, accessibility, and affordability. Thanks for taking an interest! Please visit links below for more information:  Rick Simpson   .   Shona Banda   .   Linzy Miggantz   .   Michael McShane   .   ‘Cannabis Cures Cancer’ Documentary   …

SchwartzReport: Marijuana Prohibition Fuels Lawlessness, Violence

Marijuana Prohibition Fuels Lawlessness, Violence ROBERT SHARPE, Policy Analyst, Common Sense for Drug Policy – The Baltimore Sun This is the truth that is becoming increasingly apparent. WASHINGTON — If the goal of marijuana prohibition is to subsidize Mexican drug cartels, prohibition is a success (“The nonsense of marijuana busts shown,” Nov. 11). The drug …

SchwartzReport: Sanity in Seattle – Legalized Marijuana Ground Rules

Marijwhatnow? A Guide to Legal Marijuana Use In Seattle JONAH SPANGENTHAL-LEE – Seattle City Government It is fascinating to watch what is happening with the vote in Washington and Colorado to legalize marijuana. Suddenly sensible policies are emerging; the hysterical misinformation purveyed by governments for decades is disappearing. This is the first announcement from the …

Eagle: Colorado and Washington Legalize Marijuana

States Right tio Legalize Marijuana ETHAN NADELMANN, Drug Policy Alliance USA TODAY, 7 November 2012 The decision of the voters in Washington and Colorado to legalize and regulate marijuana much like alcohol, and the passage of medical marijuana in Massachusetts balanced by rejection in Oregon and Arkansas, I believe, is the beginning of the end …