Matt Ehret: Putin’s Vision for an Anti-Fascist/Open System Future and You

Putin’s Vision for an Anti-Fascist/Open System Future and You At the heart of these vital principles is found the moral concept of “win-win cooperation” or as China’s former president Sun Yat-sen called it in his Three Principles of the People, the Principle of “Right makes Might”. Sun Yat-sen understood in 1924, as Presidents Xi and Putin …

Matt Ehret: The Scientific (and Political) Hoax of Darwinism- A Tactical Talk Interview with Dr Gunter Bechly and Matt Ehret

The Scientific (and Political) Hoax of Darwinism- A Tactical Talk Interview with Dr Gunter Bechly and Matt Ehret Recently I had the chance to joins the Discovery Institute’s Dr. Gunter Bechly and talk show host Zain Khan for a lively discussion on the failures of the Darwinian model of evolution to account for the evidence …

Matt Ehret: Open vs. Closed Systems – Lecture to Moscow National Research Nuclear University

Open vs Closed Systems- Lecture to Moscow National Research Nuclear University If the system intrinsic nature is presumed closed, and boundaries absolute, then fascism, zero-sum thinking and depopulation will be an unavoidable consequence. If on the other hand the system is presumed open, with relative boundaries to our growth potential, then society may yet have …

Matt Ehret: How the Deep State Overthrew Canada . . . in 1963

How the Deep State Overthrew the Last Nationalist Government of Canada… in 1963! As our world continues to be pulled in two opposing directions expressed by the dystopian “end of history” vision of globalists on the one side and the new multi-polar model of “win-win cooperation” espoused by the Russia-China alliance on the other, it is a …

Matt Ehret: Canadian Hypocrisy Shines Embarrassingly With New Accusations of China’s Muslim Genocide

Canadian Hypocrisy Shines Embarrassingly With New Accusations of China’s Muslim Genocide  This week, the Canadian parliament, became the second nation of the Five Eyes (after the USA) to pass a motion condemning China as a promulgator of genocide against its Muslim population living in Xinjiang with all 266 parliamentarians representing all four federal parties joining …

Matt Ehret: Cultural Warfare, Cultural Marxism, The Fencing of the Commons (Mind)

The Politics of Thinking and Cultural Warfare Explored (Darwin, Kepler, Shakespeare, Ertugrul and More) If these questions seem perplexing, then don’t feel bad. Our entire civilization has been living under a paradigm that has been designed to compartmentalize human knowledge for many generations (reserving the right to think top down to a small ruling body …