Chuck Spinney: Andrew Cockburn on the Vulnerability of the Election-Industrial Complex

Television, turnout, and the election-industrial complex By Andrew Cockburn, Harpers “I never met a politician who started out to be a fund-raiser,” remarked Mike McKenna, a Republican energy lobbyist and recipient of constant pleas for cash from lawmakers.   . . .   “If you can convince the politicians that they don’t really need to spend their …

Chuck Spinney: Israel Takes More Land and Water from Palestinians

Kudos to Haaretz for its integrity. Palestinian villagers tilled their land so well, Israel is now confiscating it from them The separation barrier will cut residents of Al-Walaja from their lands by the end of the year; the beauty of the terraces they cultivated for decades was used as one of the main reasons for …

Chuck Spinney: Turks Ambushed Russians – Analysis by Pierre Sprey in Conversation with Andrew Cockburn

While circumstances of the recent  shoot-down of the Russian SU-24 by a Turkish F-16 in the border region of Turkey and Syria remain murky, this is best analysis that I have seen to date.    Be warned, however: I am biased, both the interviewer and the interviewee are good friends of mine. The map below …

Chuck Spinney: Uri Avnery on Terrorism & Idiocy

The Reign of Absurdiocy There is no such thing as “international terrorism”. To declare war on “international terrorism” is nonsense. Politicians who do so are either fools or cynics, and probably both.   . . .  The modern media, by their very nature, are the terrorist’s best friend. Terror could not flourish without them. The next …

Chuck Spinney: Open Letter to Obama by Drone Operators Denounces Drone Assassination

Obama’s drone war a ‘recruitment tool’ for Isis, say US air force whistleblowers Four former service members – including three sensor operators – issue plea to rethink current airstrike strategy that has ‘fueled feelings of hatred’ toward US Ed Pilkington in New York and Ewen MacAskill in London Guardian, 18 November 2015 Phi Beta Iota: …