Journal: Dana Priest Strikes Again…

On Deadline ( July 16, 2010 Intelligence World Bracing For ‘Wash. Post’ Series On CIA, Pentagon Contractors By Michael Winter The nation’s spy world is anxiously — certainly not eagerly — anticipating a Washington Post series looking at CIA and Pentagon contractors, according to insider reports. And the intelligence community has been preparing for an …

NIGHTWATCH: Pakistani Education as Weapon Against USA–The Failure of US Militarization

Pakistan: Special note. The second part of yesterday’s PBS show Frontline concerned the condition of the public school system in Pakistan. It has collapsed in nearly every respect. The video report noted that nearly half of the 65 million school age kids in Pakistan do not attend public schools. It did not follow-up that datum …

Journal: Pentagon’s Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) as a Metaphor for a Predictable Defense Meltdown

The recent publication of the 2010 QDR reveals once again, in typically leaden and mind-numbing prose, how the Pentagon is incapable of coming to grips with the mismatches among strategy, programs, and resources that its decision makers create for themselves, even when budgets are at the highest levels since the end of WWII.  The F-35 …


  More Than Espionage: Open-source intelligence should be part of solution   Washington Times   January 27, 2010    Pg. B3 By Andrew M. Borene Here’s some food for thought: White House policymakers and Congress can help develop an increasingly robust national intelligence capacity by investing new money in the pursuit of a centralized open-source intelligence (OSINT) …