Worth a Look: Books on Governance & Resilience

Forthcoming 14 May 2014. Resilience has become a central concept in government policy understandings over the last decade. In our complex, global and interconnected world, resilience appears to be the policy ‘buzzword’ of choice, alleged to be the solution to a wide and ever-growing range of policy issues. This book analyses the key aspects of …

Richard Falk: Nonviolent Geopolitics – Law, Politics, and 21st Century Security

Nonviolent Geopolitics: Law, Politics, and 21st Century Security* In this short essay, my attempt will be to articulate a conception of a world order premised on nonviolent geopolitics, as well as to consider some obstacles to its realization. By focusing on the interplay of “law” and “geopolitics” the intention is to consider the role played …

Berto Jongman: Jihadology – Pros and Cons and Outcomes of Imprisoning Muslims

GUEST POST: Damned if They Do, Damned if They Don’t: The Gordian Knot of Europe’s Jihadi Homecoming By Zach Goldberg Introduction The homecoming of Europe’s jihadi volunteers (or émigrés) from Syria remains an enduring source of public disquiet. That battle-hardened and radicalized Muslim-European passport holders would return to leverage acquired “skills” at home is a specter …

SchwartzReport: Concentration of Wealth at Violent Revolution Tipping Point – 85 Individuals versus 50% of Total Population

What particularly stood out for me in this report was that the last time I looked at this it was 300 individuals had as much wealth as 42 per cent of the rest of the world population. Now it is 85 and 50 per cent. As history has shown repeatedly when inequality gets to a …

Mother Jones: Laos Bombing – $17M a Day, 2.5 Million Tons of Bombs, True Cost Just Now Becoming Known…

Watch the US Drop 2.5 Million Tons of Bombs on Laos Picturing the deadly legacy of America’s secret war in the world’s most bombed-out country Watch short video. Between 1964 and 1973, the United States dropped around 2.5 million tons of bombs on Laos. While the American public was focused on the war in neighboring …

Francis, Jesuit & Pope: Happy, Open, Thinking, Women on His Mind (Need for a Theology of Women)

Phi Beta Iota: It is increasingly clear that The Most Holy Father Francis, a Jesuit, is likely to be one of the most important voices of this century. This one interview appears to capture the essence of the man, a sinner blessed and chosen by God, to help us all discern and then carry out …