Journal: MILNET Flags Sorting It Out: New Tools Wrestle Mountains of Data Into Usable Intelligence

August 24, 2009 Pg. 11 By Kris Osborn In 2008, U.S. military forces collected 400,000 hours of airborne surveillance video, up from several thousand hours 10 years ago. So the Pentagon is turning to computers to help save, sort and search it all. “The proliferation of unmanned systems across the battlefield is not going to …

Graphic: CD (Congo) 1:50,000 Combat Chart Shortfalls

East View Cartographic, the single most extraordinary geospatial support service in the commercial sector, created the attached without color; the G-2 of United Nations Forces Eastern Congo prioritized their needs (the West still does not have 1:50,000 combat chart with contour line coverage for most of the Third World, i.e. the bulk of the ungovernable …