Vendor Pitch Archives on Public Intelligence (1992-2006)

2006 US Vendor Fleming Icosystem 2006 US Vendor Lederman Deep Web Technologies 2006 US Vendor Proctor IBM’s Text Analytic OS Architecture 2006 US Vendor Ruh CISCO’s Application Oriented Network 2004 US Vendor Dietz LEXIS-NEXIS Open Sources on North Korea 2004 US Vendor Dietz Top Ten Stories on North Korea 2001 US Vendor NA Bright Planet …

Technologies Archive on Public Intelligence (1992-2006)

2006 US Technology Arnold The Google Legacy 2005 US Technology CISCO CISCO Application Oriented Network One-Pager 2005 US Technology CISCO CISCO Application Oriented Network Executive IT Overview 2005 US Technology Steele GSA Roundtable on IT Innovation 2004 US Technology Anonymous Semantic Web Presentation 2004 US Technology Anonymous Semantic Web Architecture and Applications 2004 US Technology …

Handbook Archives on Public Intelligence (1992-2006)

1997 US Handbook Admin Cover, Appreciation, Foreword, Contents 1997 US Handbook Horowitz Appendix G: Open Source OPSEC: Selected References and Information 1997 US Handbook Horowitz Chapter 6. Open Sources and Operational Security–The Dark Side 1997 US Handbook OSS Appendices (List of) 1997 US Handbook OSS Appendix B-3: Glossary of Open Source Acronyms 1997 US Handbook …

Law Enforcement Archive on Public Intelligence (1992-2006)

2004 US Law Enforcement Steele Keynote Presentation to Texas Law Enforcement Conference 2004 US Law Enforcement Steele DHS: The Future of Intelligence (not secret, not federal, not expensive) 2003 UK Law Enforcement Edwards OSINT at Scotland Yard (Slides) 2003 UK Law Enforcement Edwards OSINT at Scotland Yard (Text) 2000 UK Law Enforcement Crow International Open …