Wayne Jett: Trump in Context of Centuries of Cabal Deception & Depravity

TRUMP IN CONTEXT White Hats vs. Ruling Elite Many have noticed the Trump presidency is extraordinary in more ways than one. Here is one way. In decades and centuries past, when a non-Establishment candidate has been elected to the White House, he has been promptly dispatched by gunshot, always by a crazed or extremist “lone …

Gordon Duff: 2015 CIA Torture Report Incriminates Dick Cheney

CIA Torture Report Incriminates Dick Cheney New Eastern Outlook, 04.01.2015 formation received this week from the highest levels of US counter-terrorism sources have confirmed that the reputed “Queen of Al Qaeda,” Dr. Aafia Siddiqui, a CIA torture victim now serving 87 years in an American “super-max” prison, was a CIA agent when captured and was …

Preston James: Frequency Wars — False Flag Mind Control and More

Secret and Silent Frequency Wars It all started with Nikola Tesla and his miraculous discoveries and inventions. We now have AC electrical current in our homes instead of the inefficient DC because of Tesla’s genius. Some of his most important discoveries regarding Zero Point energy (aka Cosmic electromagnetic wind) and scalar frequency weapons were seized …

Owl: The Saga of Justice Kavanaugh UPDATE 55: Senate Report Sends Swetnick & Avenatti Toward Jail…

Short Memorable URL if you wish to tell others: http://tinyurl.com/bothright-moveon UPDATE 55: Katz and Avanatti should lose their law licenses. The witnesses who lied with malice should serve jail time. Senate report paints devastating profile of Justice Kavanaugh accuser Julie Swetnick UPDATE 54: The false witnesses against Judge (now Justice) Kavanaugh have been referred for …

Richard Dolan: 9/11, MKULTRA, Joe Biden, End of the Constitution

Alert Reader flags the video below and provides the summary that is below the fold.  New information: Joe Biden, Zionist agent of influence? Key author of the Patriot Act going back to 1985 when Zionists started planning 9/11 in earnest. If Cheney-Biden are a team, then treason really is non-partisan as we have stated in …