DefDog: Two-Thirds of All US Navy Jets Cannot Fly

Nearly two-thirds of US Navy’s strike fighters can’t fly …nearly two-thirds of the fleet’s strike fighters can’t fly – grounded because they’re either undergoing maintenance or simply waiting for parts or their turn the aviation depot backlog. Long comment below the fold.

Eric Zuesse: US Lies About Crimea — Truth Helps

Things Will Get Worse Until US Stops Lying About Crimea Unless the U.S. government’s lies about Crimea — the ‘Russia seized Crimea’ narratives — become acknowledged to be lies, war between the U.S. and Russia can only continue to become increasingly likely, because the world is sliding toward World War III based upon these lies, and will therefore inevitably …

Jan H. Kalvik: Intelligence & the Nobel Peace Prize – Recommendation of Robert David Steele for Information Peacekeeping & Peacekeeping Intelligence

Intelligence & the Nobel Peace Prize I took a special interest in the Nobel Peace Prize nomination process this year because for the first time as Editor-In-Chief of Defence and Intelligence Norway, I felt compelled to recommend someone. I am not an accredited nominator – my recommendation, with the documentation at the end of this …

Eagle: Fearful Americans Stockpiling Facts

Fearful Americans Stockpiling Facts Before Federal Government Comes To Take Them Away WASHINGTON—Alarmed at the prospect of unconstitutional overreach by the Trump administration, millions of fearful Americans have already begun stockpiling facts before the federal government comes to take them away, sources confirmed Friday. “I know my rights as an American, so you’d better believe …