Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Nancy Bordier

Nancy Bordier is the inventor of the Interactive Voter Choice System. She is a political scientist, web entrepreneur, former electoral candidate, high-tech marketing executive and university professor. Her experience in electoral politics includes a 1985 campaign on the Democratic ticket for the office of mayor of White Plains, New York. A middle class city with …

Journal: Technology Can Save Feds $1T in 10 Years

By GreenerComputing Staff at Greener World Media Tue Oct 26, 2010 1:00am EDT Throughout this highly charged election season, government spending and the federal deficit have been a linchpin of political arguments. At the same time, a gridlocked Congress means that very little has been accomplished despite all the debate. But a report published earlier …

Journal: Microsoft Ad Trashes OpenOffice.org

A recent Microsoft video suggests the company considers OpenOffice.org a significant threat to its own Office suite. Titled “A Few Perspectives on OpenOffice.org,” the video features a series of horror stories from customers who tried the open-source productivity suite and suffered from excess costs as well as IT resources, performance and compatibility issues. A series …

Review: The Monk and the Riddle–The Art of Creating a Life While Making a Living

Down to Earth, Absorbing, Perfectly Presented, “Must Read” October 10, 2010 Randy Komisar with Kent Lineback I’m putting this book into the 6 Star and Beyond category at Phi Beta Iota the Public Intelligence Blog, for two reasons: it has a proper definition of what business should be about–creativity and humanity; and it strives to …