BREAKING: Amazon Kindle Hijacked — Now a Spam Factory Based in Pakistan and India

For the past several months I have been spammed by a variety of authors who have been at best indiscriminate and at worst offensive spam. Most of them are using lists of top Amazon reviewers that are being indiscriminately and probably illegally circulated by book clubs as well as spammer networks. On further investigation I …

Mini-Me: Afghanistan — Multi-Billion Dollar Abandonment — an Opportunity for Funding Peace After ISAF

Huh? Scrap Heap of War: Billions in equipment being left behind in Afghanistan How much “stuff” is the United States military leaving behind as it withdraws from Afghanistan after 12 years of war? Try some $6 billion worth. And much of it may yet end up in a junk pile. That includes 850 MRAPS (Mine-Resistant …

John Maguire: Joe Bageant, Duck Dynasty, and the American Hologram

Joe Bageant, Duck Dynasty, and the American Hologram It’s been almost three years since Joe Bageant, one of America’s most unique, populist political voices, passed away rather suddenly from cancer. During his life he kept company with American folk heroes such as Hunter S. Thompson, Timothy Leary, and Alan Ginsberg, bartended on the same Indian reservation …

Rickard Falkvinge: Copyright as Scam — Not Protecting Artists (the Many) Only Profits (for the Few)

The Copyright Monopoly Is A Scam That Hurts Artists As Much As The Public Copyright Monopoly – Zacqary Adam Green: So you’re an artist, author, or creative person, and you’ve heard the arguments against the copyright monopoly. That it locks away knowledge from the public. That it hurts free speech. That it’s declaring a monopoly on …