Yoda: True Cost Economics Model from Foundation Earth

Toward A True-Cost Economic Model: Cheater Economics, Fair Play, & Long-Term Survival Over the next century communities worldwide will experience an unprecedented shift of weather instability. Extreme weather events are ecological spasms often driving economic spasms and regional collapses. Concerned citizens and opinion leaders need to prepare before these eco-spasms proliferate. Far from being prepared, …

SchwartzReport: US Southwest At Grave Risk – Federal Government Owns It and Has No Plan

If you read either the daily SR or the monthly version you know my thinking on why I believe that there will be two major migrations, one away from the coasts, the other out of the Southwest and Great Plains. The first because of too much water, the second because of too little. Here is …

Sepp Hasslberger: Power from Water Plasma

If this pans out, and it’s not impossible by any means, we have a new, abundant energy source being harnessed… Blacklight announces sustained production of enormous electrical power from water BlackLight Power, Inc. today announces that it achieved sustained electricity production from a primary new energy source by using photovoltaic technology to transform brilliant plasma, …

Facebook: New Initiative, Connectivity Lab, to Bring Internet to Remote Areas

Facebook Initiative to Bring Internet to Remote Areas Facebook Inc. CEO Mark Zuckerberg said the company is launching a Connectivity Lab, a team of scientists tasked with bringing the Internet to remote places on the planet using new techniques, including beaming it down from the sky. Facebook Inc. CEO Mark Zuckerberg said the company is …

Jean Lievens: Jeremy Rifkin on Zero Marginal Cost as Anti-Capitalism

The Rise of Anti-Capitalism Jeremy Rifkin New York Times, 15 March 2014 We are beginning to witness a paradox at the heart of capitalism, one that has propelled it to greatness but is now threatening its future: The inherent dynamism of competitive markets is bringing costs so far down that many goods and services are …