Owl: The Gestapoization of Local Police — Brutal & Stupid by Design — Entrapment & Repression Instead of Trust & Security

As Balko demonstrates in a long excerpt from his book, Rise of the Warrior Cop: The Militarization of America’s Police Forces, published in Salon, the incident described below, plus innumerable incidents of police extreme, overwhelming and excessive violence, are not rising due to a few bad apples and rogue cops, but rather to a much …

Owl: YouTube (8:00) Corrupt US Media Blacks Out Israeli Torture of Palestinian Children as Investigated and Documented by the United Nations

UN Accuses Israel of Torturing Palestinian Children This Real News Network report discusses two human rights violations against Palestinian children that were first publicized by an Israeli organization and have since been investigated by the UN: abusive confinement and prosecution, and using them as human shields. Phi Beta Iota: The US Media may well be …

Owl: It Sure Sucks When Reality and Conspiracy Merge – Is Greenwald Next? + Hastings & Car Hacking RECAP

The times, as Bob Dylan wrote, “are a`changin.”  Conspiracy theories about journalist Michale Hastings’ death – or murder – now have now been pumped out via “mainstream” vehicles, such as Huff Post, without it being just another exercise for bashing conspiracy theories with ridicule and rejection under the at-times hallucinatory influence of maximum prejudice and …

Neal Rauhauser: Cyber-Security Global Knowledge Network

Worth a look. ICS-ISAC and the Global Knowledge Sharing Network Posted on May 20, 2012 by icscybersecurity ICS-ISAC and the Global Knowledge Sharing Network The Industrial Control System Information Sharing and Analysis Center (ICS-ISAC) is part of the Global Knowledge Network (GKN). The Global Knowledge Network has been evolving for a number of years and is …

Owl: Are You One of the Eight Million in the US Government’s Priority One “Neutralization” Database?

While the Ed Snowden story getting all the attention, another story came and went never got enough attention when it first came out, but perhaps this older story is more relevant now than when it first came out. It’s the story of “Main Corp,” which was first written by Christopher Ketchum of Radar Magazine. The …

Yoda: Pope Acknowledges Corrupt Gay Cabal Across Vatican & Church

Good, this is. Pope ‘admits that gay prelate network exists’ Leaked notes from private meeting show pontiff speaking about a ‘stream of corruption’ The pope has admitted the existence of a network of gay prelates in the Vatican, reports published on Tuesday said. According to leaked notes of a private conversation with Catholic officials at …