Richard Wright: Michael R. Davidson, CIA DO SIS (Ret), Comments on Steele & OSINT with Steele Response 2.1

UPDATE 2 Dec 2012:  Wright update, Steele update, at end of original post. As received: On the Linkedin Group, “Intelligence and Security”, a member started a discussion on open source intelligence using a quote from your [forthcoming chapter], “The Craft of Intelligence.” Davidson (a self proclaimed “former CIA Senior Intelligence Officer”) made such a wildly ignorant …

John Maguire: YouTube (7:36) Cannabis Oil and the Post-Scarcity Era — Marijuana as Part of the Fiscal Solution AND Cures Cancer

A brief exploration of Hemp Oil and its implications for creating a world of Open-Source Medicine based on abundance, accessibility, and affordability. Thanks for taking an interest! Please visit links below for more information:  Rick Simpson   .   Shona Banda   .   Linzy Miggantz   .   Michael McShane   .   ‘Cannabis Cures Cancer’ Documentary   …

Penguin: Hurray for Walter Pincus, Blowing Up the $100 Million DoD Underground Multi-Story Bunker for Tel Aviv — Public Interest Be Damned….

Phi Beta Iota:  We learn that the Army Corps of Engineers, which should be focusing on the Mississippi right now, has not one but three offices in Israel; and that it is acting as an agent of the Israeli government in obligating US taxpayer dollars for what is clearly a deeply religious construction, to which …

Mini-Me: False Flag Nuclear Christmas? Deceitful “Allies” and Enemies Within

Huh? WARNING NOTICE: The raw material is 80% speculative.  The 20% is so real as to warrant real alarm and extraordinary measures within the virtually non-existent US national counter-intelligence community that is generally inept at real-time cyber-monitoring in multiple languages across all cyber-domains (e.g. skype, steganography, etcetera).  We also do not “own the street,” rule …

Gold Transformer: Post-US world born in Phnom Penh — But See Also CELAC Etcetera

Post-US world born in Phnom Penh By Spengler Asia Times, Nov 27, 2012 It is symptomatic of the national condition of the United States that the worst humiliation ever suffered by it as a nation, and by a US president personally, passed almost without comment last week. I refer to the November 20 announcement at …

John McGuire: YouTube (13:30) The Dawn of Open-Source Self-Sovereignty & The Human Element

Phi Beta Iota: 13.5 minutes, a cry from the heart of America, useful as a moment of personal self-reflection. A short video stressing the importance of Self-Evaluation, Identity Reclamation, and becoming an Agent for the Open-Source post-scarcity era. Thanks for your interest and support! Other Videos: John Maguire: YouTube (13:00) The Evolution of Open-Source Science …