Review: A Question of Command: Counterinsurgency from the Civil War to Iraq (Yale Library of Military History) (Hardcover)

Brilliant but Narrow, Simplifies A Bridge Too Far December 19, 2009 Mark Moyar EDIT of 21 Feb 2010:  A colleague in COINSOC has pointed out that I missed one key aspect of this book and I hasten to add it: “Moyar’s point that we are applying peacetime personnel policies by putting people in place based …

Review: The End of America–Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot

Needs to Be Said, Needs to Be Read, A Solid First Step December 10, 2009 Naomi Wolf American Freedom Campaign I disagree with those that criticize this book. This is PRECISELY the kind of book we need to see, at a reasonable price, being discussed in schools, clubs, and churches. QUOTE page 27: “The Founders …

Worth a Look: The Golden Hour and Rebalancing the Instruments of National Power

As we begin winding down in Iraq, many years after General Garner had us lined up to exit without destroying the Golden Hour, and as we reflect on Afghnaistan, which we also lost by refusing Charlie Wilson’s urgent pleas to continue the money after the Soviet left, but earmarked for schools, water, and other necessary …